Front Row Left to RIght: Paige Kolweier, Sarah Cook, Laura Cook, Claire Dulle, Sidney Charles, and Madi Epplin Back Row Left to Right: Jenna Hackstadt, Katie Forgy, Madison Gogolek, Makenna Gabrovic, Caleigh Friedrich, and Alyssa Statler
As February comes along, so does the Sweetheart dance. Spanish Club. Along with the dance, there are usually dress-up days the week of the dance. This year is a little different, with the dress-up days being one week before the dance due to FFA week. Monday was pajama day, Tuesday was jersey day, Wednesday was relationship status day, the colors being red=taken, pink=talking, white=single, and Black=not interested, and Thursday was Adam Sandler day. This year the Sweetheart Dance is hosted on Febuary 22, 2025 from 7-10 P.M.
This year, Sweetheart Court consists of 12 girls, and any escort they would like that is in high school. Sidney Charles represents SLT, Sarah Cook represents Model UN, Laura Cook represents Launchpad, Claire Dulle represents NHS, Madelyn Epplin represents Cheer, Katheryn Forgy represents Art, Caleigh Friedrich represents Drama Club, Makenna Gabrovic represents FFA, Madison Gogoleck represents Educators Rising, Jenna Hackstadt represents Spanish Club, Paige Kolweier represents Yearbook, Alyssa Statler represents Science Club, and Payton Meier is the announcer.