Band and Chorus Raises Money with Annual Car Wash
October 25, 2021
The Jr. High and High School band and chorus held their annual car wash on Saturday, September 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The band and chorus car wash is to raise money for the band trips, new equipment, and many other things.
The members all worked in different shifts and performed different jobs. Anybody who wanted their car washed pulled up and the kids washed their car. There was no price for the car to be washed; it was just donations. They did about 80 cars in around two hours. The members provided the soap, buckets, sponges, and step ladders. Then, a couple of the kids made signs and went down the road and drew cars for the carwash. The band and chorus made about $280.00, and they will put that towards the trip they will take next year, new equipment, and new music.