Teacher Spotlight : Mrs. Lintker

Lydia Luechtefeld, Staff Writer

Mrs. Kim Lintker is a science teacher at Okawville High School. She teaches General Science, Environmental Science, Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2, and Physics. She has been teaching here for 6 years, and she is a former teacher at Freeburg High School. Mrs. Linker is very engaged in the school with her involvement in the Academic Challenge Team, Science Club, and coaching 5th and 6th grade girls basketball.

When asked why she wanted to become a teacher she responded, “Chemistry was very hard for me in high school, and once I could understand it I wanted to be able to help other students understand it better.”  Her favorite subject is chemistry because it is the first class where math and science come together. Her favorite thing about working here is getting to be a teacher in this community and watching former students grow up and come back to the community. Outside of school, you can find her spending quality time with her kids. They enjoy baking together, trips to Six Flags, and camping.