Drama Club Announces Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again!
September 7, 2022
Five years ago Amy Welch started directing the OHS Drama Club. Before her arrival, our school only did plays because none of the past directors had any musical background. Amy Welch has been involved in theater since she was 4 years old, so she decided to bring musical theater to our school. She believed having a drama club was an important thing for the students because it would give them something different to be a part of in a very sport-oriented school. It would also show the community that the students have other talents.
This year the drama club is doing Mamma Mia for the musical. 3 years ago the drama club had practiced and was about to perform Mamma Mia in March 2020 but was unable because of the COVID-19 pandemic causing everything to shut down merely three days before production. This year doing Mamma Mia is extra special because the senior class has another chance to finish what they started when their freshman year was interrupted.
Now that the musical is in action, Ms. Welch says that while there is still a lot to cover, things are going really well! She says the students are getting the dances down really fast (thanks to Ms. Welch and sophomore Caleigh Friedrich for each taking on the role of choreographer). Ms. Welch says that she is very happy with the way things are going, although it can be difficult to work around all the sports going on. Even though there are challenges, things are looking up. In the words of Ms. Welch herself, “It’s going to be FABULOUS! She is very proud of the students and very excited about the final product.
This is the Cast list for this year’s musical, Mamma Mia:
Donna- Bella Welch, Rosie- Madi Wienstoer, Tanya- Megan Rennegarbe, Sophie- Maci Wolf, Ali- Hannah Miller, Lisa- Ellie Frederking, Sam- Jared Juenger, Harry- Jacob Funk, Bill- Rylan Nelson, Sky- Thor Gavin, Pepper- Bennet Krohne, and Eddie- Calvin Maynard.
The chorus consists of the following:
Paige Riechmann, Jenna Hackstadt, Kaylyn Cragen, Lynnsie Talley, Caleigh Friedrich, Madison Gogolek, Isaiah Auer, Annie Culli, Claire Dulle, Katelyn Borrenpohl, Grant Moody, Ady Harre, Paige Kolweier, Caroline Tepe, Taylor Hettenhausen, Madi Epplin, Lily Helbig, Mallory Bening, Sidney Charles, Alexis Jarden, Payton Meier, and Maddie Rennegarbe.
These are the crew members:
Student Sound Manager- Sarah Cook, Student Light Manager- Kyle Schwab, Light Crew- Joey Kinzel and Eva Tooley, Backstage Managers- Jordyn Heckert and Briley Rhodes, Backstage Crew- Braxton Rennegarbe and Rylan Senior, Ticket Crew- Camy Wiedwilt.
There is no doubt the drama club will put on another great performance this fall! Show dates are October 21, 22, and 23!