The Pie Stand is Back in Business!
Madi Wienstroer, Ellie Frederking, and Macie Staley roll out pie dough.
September 13, 2022
The Timepiece Pie Stand at Wheat Fest is back! After the long wait, the Okawville Timepiece staff is proud to announce they are back to normal and are happy to be able to provide their delicious pies for the community. The homemade pies have been a staple to many at the Wheat Fest and after two years of not being able to make them, they are back once more!
The Timepiece staff has been working hard rolling dough, making the filling, container labeling, and baking. Here is what senior member Macie Staley had to say, “I’m thrilled that we are finally back to normal and I am most looking forward to bake night, where I get to spend time with my fellow classmates and it’s just an overall great time!”
As you may know, the Timepiece stand not only has delicious pies, but they have chili, nachos, hot dogs, and tea as well. So if you have time, feel free to stop by the stand and support the local Timepiece team and enjoy the great food while you’re at it!