I interviewed Mrs Schleifer for her perspective on how she makes the schedule up for our 2024-2025 classes. The class picking starts with the juniors going first and then moves to the sophomores, freshmen, and finally the incoming 8th graders.
Each class is given a week for the students to look over the electives that they would like to take the next school year. Then the hard job comes for Mrs. Schleifer to look over everyone’s selections and then start by balancing the teachers’ credentials with the students’ needs and wants. This is to prepare the students for the future whether it be for college, trades, employment, or military.
This process takes a lot of time because she wants to try and give everyone what they are looking for in classes as well as make sure they are meeting the requirements for graduation. She describes it as a huge puzzle and each student is a piece of the puzzle. Mrs. Schleifer said, “I try my best to have it completed by the end of the school year.” Mrs Schleifer feels that it is an accomplishment when it is completed but also knows that she will have some kids upset because she may not be able to fulfill everyone’s expectations