Introducing Ms. Althoff

Macie Staley, Staff Writer


Teacher and coach Ms.Althoff went to Okawville grade school and graduated from Okawville High School when she was younger.  After she graduated from high school she went to SWIC for four years and then to Illinois University for three years. She has a Bachelor’s degree in education, physical education, health, and drivers ed.  Then I asked her, “Why did you decide to go into education?” her reply, ”I love school and knew I wanted to be a teacher plus I like the atmosphere of teaching.” Before Ms. Althoff came to Okawville Jr. Sr. High school she was teaching at Red Bud.  I asked her, ”Why did you decide to come to Okawville and teach here?” she said, ”I had the opportunity to come to Okawville and teach in my hometown.” Coach Althoff has been teaching for four years and counting. She only teaches two of four things she is able to teach which are health and physical education.  Then I asked her, ”What do you most love in education?” she replied fast with, ”I love learning new things every day with the students.”

She is a coach,a s I mentioned in the first paragraph, the first sport she coaches is basketball and the second sport is softball.  She is the new coach for softball. She has been a big support through this season with a total of 13 wins and 3 losses. But the reason she loves coaching is, ”I love being so into the game and helping these kids learn the sport.” she said.  Her favorite things to do, such as hobbie wise, is anything dealing with sports. As I can tell she is a great coach/teacher and a great influence on us kids.