Junior Rockets prepare for Regionals
January 15, 2019
The Jr. Rockets have two games left this season. The team will play Wesclin on January 17th at Wesclin and Sparta on January 21st, which is 8th-grade night. The boys also have regionals at Signal Hill coming up on the schedule. The opponents in their regional are Germantown, Holy Childhood Mascoutah, Albers/Damiansville, and Signal Hill. The Jr. Rockets are the two seed this year in regionals. I asked 8th grader Grant Schleifer, “How do you think the team will compete during regionals?” Schleifer answered with, “If we take these next two weeks to prepare against the other teams, we have a decent shot of winning regionals.” Coach Barkau and the players are very excited and can’t wait to compete in regionals.