Drawlloween Wraps Up

KateLyn Borrenpohl, Junior High Editor

Once again, Mr. Kramer is putting on a Drawlloween contest. There have been multiple entries. There are usually 20-25 entries per week. Everyone’s a winner with this contest, as participants received a Resse’s Peanut Butter Pumpkin. Mr. Kramer always looks forward to Drawlloween.

I asked him what his favorite thing about the event was and he said, “I enjoy seeing students’ art that I normally don’t get to see.” He doesn’t have Jr. High students in class, so he likes to see all the Jr. High participation. It is a great thing to do because it gets kids to like art and to see everyone’s abilities. Be ready for Christmas time because Mr. Kramer and the Art Club will be putting on another drawing activity!